Fifth wheels are a popular choice for many RV enthusiasts due to their spaciousness, stability, and towing capabilities. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of fifth wheels and why they may be the perfect option for your next camping adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned RVer or new to the RV lifestyle, understanding the advantages of fifth wheels can help you make an informed decision when it comes to purchasing your next RV.
Get More Space
Many travelers choose a fifth wheel for one key reason: the spacious interiors. Fifth wheels are built with a strong coupling system, which allows them to be heavier and longer than other towable RV options. They are typically the largest towable options and the extra space boosts the travel experience in a few ways.
Enjoy Incredible Value
When you compare different RV options on the market, you’ll find that fifth wheels are much more affordable than other RVs, and you’ll save even more money if you choose to buy used.
One of the key reasons you’re able to save so much is that fifth wheels don’t have an engine. Motorized RVs cost much more due to all the moving parts. As a result, the cost of insurance will also be less for a fifth wheel. The great thing about fifth wheels is that even though it is a more economical choice, you won’t feel like you’re missing anything when it comes to amenities and features.
Enjoy Easy Transport
Some motorhomes can be bulky and have limits to where they can fit on certain roads and in certain cities. If you plan to take your primary vehicle along, you’d have no choice but to tow it behind you.
With a fifth wheel, you can more easily fit on the open road. A fifth wheel provides you with a hitch placement so you can easily hook it right up to your truck bed. The way that the hitch anchors in the bed can actually shorten the length of your fifth wheel by a few feet, which is great for driveability purposes.
Ready to explore fifth wheels for sale? Check out the selection at Curtis Trailers! We are located in Beaverton and Portland, Oregon, and look forward to helping you find the travel trailer of your dreams.