Roadschooling: Create a Classroom in Your RV

What is Roadschooling? Roadschooling is a growing trend in which families pack up their belongings and take their homeschooling on the road. Many families who embrace this lifestyle integrate what they are seeing and experiencing into their child’s homeschool curriculum. … Continued

June’s Make-A-Wish

💙 WE LOVE MAKE-A-WISH! 💙 A BIG Congratulations to June & her Family We had a great time today delivering a very special camping trailer to June and her family. Make-A-Wish really came through, especially so, in granting this wish … Continued

Make A Wish for The Crawley Family

[av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ admin_preview_bg=’rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 0%’] … Continued

Commercial Video Shoot at Oxbow Park

[av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ admin_preview_bg=”] [/av_one_full][av_textblock size=’30’ font_color=” color=” admin_preview_bg=”] April 1st, … Continued