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Our Portland Team

The Curtis Team (Portland)

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always here to serve you.

Here you’ll find some of the good folks you might interact with here at Curtis Trailers and their contact information.

Todd Timmermann

General Manager

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Todd Timmermann

Todd Timmermann

Mike Horn

Sales Manager

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Mike Horn

Michael Horn

Jon Robarge

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Jon Robarge

Jon Robarge

Lauri Nicholson

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Lauri Nicholson

Lauri Nicholson

Brett Williams

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Brett Williams

Brett Williams

Bruce Langworthy

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Bruce Langworthy

Bruce Langworthy

Jason Heller

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Jason Heller

Jason Heller

Stan Broeland

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Stan Broeland

Stan Broeland

Charlie Cordes

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Charlie Cordes

Charlie Cordes

Brian Wheeler

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Brian Wheeler

Brian Wheeler

Izzy Van Lom

Sales Representative

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Izzy Van Lom

Izzy Van Lom

Cody Kissell

Parts Manager

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Cody Kissell

Cody Kissell

Aaron Tangvald

Service Manager

Portland | 503-760-1363

Email Aaron Tangvald

Aaron Tangvald